30, January 2025

“Assessment and Homoeopathic management of the various types of Viral Warts with its individualizes Homoeopathic treatment – An evidence based case series”

Author(s): Dr Pankaj Lathia, Dr Girish Patel

Authors Affiliations: C N.Kothari Homeopathic Medical College and Research centre

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Viral Warts are the Commonest skin disease now a days in our daily practice. Assessment and clinical management of various types of wart is often challenging. In recent era, different Modalities of treatments are existing, but none of them is more effective to treat the Viral Warts. AIM To find out the efficacy of Homeopathic Medicine in treating various types of warts with its individualize Homoeopathic treatment. RESEARCH DESIGN This was a observational study which was done in my private clinic. MATERIALSANDMETHODS Thestudywascarried outfor 3yearsanditincludes100patients. Patients with genital warts, Pregnant females and Immunocompromised Patients were excluded fromthestudy. STATISTICALANALYSIS Statistical analysis of the descriptive data was done by numbers and percentages according todifferentcategories. RESULT There were 100 cases of warts and a majority of the patients (60) were belonging to the age groupbetween 20-40 years. 65 patients were males and 35 patients were females. The most commonlyinvolvedsite wasFace.Themostcommontypesofwartswerethe commonwart. CONCLUSION Viral warts were most common in the younger age groups. Males outnumbered the females. The facewasthecommonestsite whichwasinvolved.Commonwartswerethecommonesttypeofwarts.

Homeopathy, warts , Individualization.

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Mousumi Das, Ananya Paramanya, Case Series of warts and its individualized HomeopathictreatmentInt.JHealthSci.Res2023:13(11):162-170DOI:https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20231120


 https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20231120

 https://www.ijrh.org



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